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May 06, 2023

Rafael’s C

The naval area missile defense solution for surface vessels recently completed a

The naval area missile defense solution for surface vessels recently completed a series of comprehensive tests | Israeli MoD: system "constitutes a significant leap forward in our defense capabilities"

IsraelDefense | 6/06/2023

Photo: Rafael

Israeli defense giant Rafael, alongside the Israel Missile Defense Organization (IMDO) and in collaboration with the Israeli Navy, successfully completed a series of comprehensive tests for the naval version of the Iron Dome system, known as "C-Dome."

According to the company statement, these tests mark a significant step towards achieving the final operational capability of the C-Dome system on the Israeli Navy's Sa'ar 6-class corvettes.

Throughout the rigorous testing process, the C-Dome system, installed on the Sa'ar 6 "Magen" corvettes, demonstrated its exceptional capability to intercept and neutralize advanced threats that pose a danger to Israel's strategic assets and infrastructure within its exclusive economic zone.

The test series included simulations of both existing and future threats that the "Magen" ships may encounter in times of conflict, including rockets, cruise missiles, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). These tests successfully integrated shipboard systems with Israel's multi-tier defense array, augmenting the operational effectiveness of the air and missile defense system both at sea and on land.

The integration of the C-Dome system reinforces the defensive capabilities of the Sa'ar 6 "Magen" corvettes, enhancing their capacity to safeguard Israel's assets and economic interests within the exclusive economic zone.

As an additional layer of Israel's multi-tier air and missile defense array, the C-Dome system complements the existing operational defense tiers, namely Iron Dome, David's Sling, Arrow 2, and Arrow 3.

"The C-Dome system constitutes a significant leap forward in our defense capabilities, and ensures the Israeli defense establishment's superiority and operational capabilities in the face of growing threats in the maritime arena," said Israeli Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant.

"The system's naval adaptation is part of our advanced multi-tier air and missile defense system. I would like to express my great appreciation for the Directorate for Defense R&D, the IDF, and Rafael, for turning a tech vision into reality – developing operational capabilities in the field."

"These successful tests are one of the many efforts we are carrying out to improve our air and missile defense systems' preparedness for future threats and improve system performance in the face of existing threats," said Head of the DDR&D at Rafael, Brig. Gen. (res.) Dr. Daniel Gold.

"The campaign's success further strengthens our confidence in the defense systems and their ability to protect extensive areas as well as the State of Israel's strategic assets on land and at sea. We will continue working together with the IDF and Israeli defense industries to protect the State of Israel, while realizing and preserving the State of Israel's qualitative advantage."