Juvenile lifer Shawn Commire, who murdered Bay City great


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Jul 01, 2023

Juvenile lifer Shawn Commire, who murdered Bay City great

BAY CITY, MI — His shorn scalp covered in black tattoos, Shawn M. Commire

BAY CITY, MI — His shorn scalp covered in black tattoos, Shawn M. Commire shuffled into a Bay County courtroom, preceded by the metallic jingling of the shackles on his wrists and ankles. Already in the courtroom's gallery were more than a dozen spectators, loved ones of the matriarch he had killed.

Coincidentally, it had been 16 years and a day since Commire, then 16, joined his older cousin in one of Bay City's most notorious homicides: the brutal, bloody beating and stabbing of 83-year-old great-grandmother Rita M. Salogar as she called 911 begging for help. For the shocking and heinous crime, both cousins were sentenced to effectively die in prison.

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